Unit3 E-portfolio Post 7 Player
Playtest 1
For the playtests I have done I play the game from groups 1, 5, 6, and 9.
- Group 1: Animation Brainstorm
- Group 5: (no name) Music Game
- Group 6: (no name) Battleship type luck game
- Group 9: Premonition
For the game that I will be discussing the formal elements it will be for group 9.
- Players:
- This is a 2 player game similar to blackjack. The players that will enjoy this game are the competitors. The player interaction for this game is the player vs player interaction type.
- Objective:
- The objective is outplay or beat your opponent.
- Rules: The rules of this game is:
- Card Types rules determines who wins.
- Fire beats wood
- Water beats Fire
- Metal beats Wood
- Wood beats Earth
- Metal beats Fire
- Earth beats Water
- Procedures: The procedures of this game are:
- Player one takes 3 cards from the top of the deck.
- Player 1 chooses one card from the 3 and puts the other two back on the TOP of the deck.
- Player 2 repeats steps 1 and 2.
- Both players alternate until they each hold 5 cards.
- Players choose one card each from their hand and place them down in the center, only flipping them over when both cards have been placed.
- Players then decide who has won the round, with the loser of each round moving their life force piece down by one.
- Resources: The resources are the cards.
- Conflict: The conflict of the game is not knowing the card the opponent has.
- Outcome: Whoever had the super effective card wins.
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