Unit3 E-portfolio Post 7 Player

Playtest 1


    For the playtests I have done I play the game from groups 1, 5, 6, and 9. 

  • Group 1: Animation Brainstorm
  • Group 5: (no name) Music Game
  • Group 6: (no name) Battleship type luck game
  • Group 9: Premonition
    For the game that I will be discussing the formal elements it will be for group 9.
  • Players:
    • This is a 2 player game similar to blackjack. The players that will enjoy this game are the competitors. The player interaction for this game is the player vs player interaction type.
  • Objective:
    • The objective is outplay or beat your opponent.
  • Rules: The rules of this game is:
    • Card Types rules determines who wins.
      • Fire beats wood
      • Water beats Fire
      • Metal beats Wood
      • Wood beats Earth
      • Metal beats Fire
      • Earth beats Water
  • Procedures: The procedures of this game are:
    1. Player one takes 3 cards from the top of the deck.
    2. Player 1 chooses one card from the 3 and puts the other two back on the TOP of the deck.
    3. Player 2 repeats steps 1 and 2. 
    4. Both players alternate until they each hold 5 cards.
    5. Players choose one card each from their hand and place them down in the center, only flipping them over when both cards have been placed. 
    6. Players then decide who has won the round, with the loser of each round moving their life force piece down by one. 
  • Resources: The resources are the cards.
  • Conflict: The conflict of the game is not knowing the card the opponent has.
  • Outcome: Whoever had the super effective card wins.
