Rule Sheet 3 version2 Unit3 E-portfolio Post 6
Group 4
Our game is called Murder Mystery. This is a game that is directed at ages 10+. This is a game is about a detective that heard that there were people kidnapped and sent to a house. However that killer is still in the house and he knows it. the goal is to save more people than the killer kills. whoever has 5 or more they are considered the winner.
When we got back on our game we wanted to incorporate more strategy to our game and what we did was the following. We did changes to the map and added powerup for both player when trying to compete in this game. the map changes gave a sections of the map where players and other recourses can be placed. then we decided for the map to have 2 layers a F1 and a basement. the way to go between floors is going into the green zone which act as stairs.
For the work we did it was good for this game all of us were focus and did our part in the game.
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